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Τμήμα Μαθηματικών - Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης

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How to make your first Home Page (improved)

Just log on to one of our Unix machines, e.g. kolmogorov, gauss, anaximenis and run the program mkpage from the command line, answering the few questions that it will ask.

If your username is, say, gauss then your web page address is now


You can change the contents of the web page by editing the file public_html/index.html.

Note: Be careful if you already have a personal home page (NOT the one the department has made for you), as it will be deleted by this program.

Mihalis Kolountzakis, 4 September, 2003.
Συντάκτης manager
Τελευταία τροποποίηση 2005-04-23 18:01

Κατασκευή απο το Plone

Ο ιστοχώρος συμμορφώνεται με με τις ακόλουθες προδιαγραφές: