Publications of Michalis I. Taroudakis
Department Of Mathematics
Publications of Michalis I. Taroudakis
Thesis work
Study of the Acoustic Propagation in Shallow Water with an Irregularly Shaped Bottom.
Ph.D. thesis. National Technical
University of Athens. Department of
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (in Greek). 1988.
Journal Papers:
1. Taroudakis M.I. and Nicolaidis N.X. : "A Simplified Model for the Estimation of
the Shipping Noise in Shallow
water" -Technika Chronika, Scientific
edition, Vol. 9, pp 47-72 (1989).
2. Taroudakis M.I., Athanassoulis G.A. and Ioannidis J.P.: "A Variational Principle
for Underwater Acoustic
Propagation in a Three-Dimensional Ocean
Environment". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 88, pp 1515-1522
3. Papadakis J.S., Taroudakis M.I., Papadakis P.J. and Mayfield Betty: "A New Method
for a Realistic Treatment of the
Sea Bottom in the Parabolic
Approximation". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 92, pp 2030-2038
4. Taroudakis M.I. and Papadakis J.S. "Modal Inversion Schemes for Ocean Acoustic
Tomography" Journal of
Computational Acoustics, Vol. 1, No 4,
pp 395-421 (1993).
5. Bjorno L., Papadakis J.S., Papadakis P.J., Sageloli, J., Sessarego J.P., Sun S. and
Taroudakis M.I. "Identification of
Seabed Data from Acoustic
Reflections: Theory and Experiment" ACTA ACUSTICA, Vol 2, pp. 307-323 (1994).
6. The THETIS Group "Open-Ocean Deep Convection Explored in the Mediterranean"
EOS, Transactions, American
Geophysical Union, Vol. 75, No
19, pp 217-221 (1994).
7. Taroudakis M.I. "A Coupled-Mode Formulation for the Solution of the Helmholtz
Equation in the Water in the
Presence of a Conical Sea-Mount"
Journal of Computational Acoustics, Vol. 4, No 1, pp 101-121 (1996).
8. Send U., Krahmann G, Mauuary D., Desaubies Y., Gaiilard F., Terre, T., Papadakis J.,
Taroudakis M., Skarsoulis E. and
Millot C. "Acoustic observations
of heat content across the Mediterranean Sea" Nature, Vol 385, pp 615-617 (1997).
9. Taroudakis M.I. and Markaki M.G. "On the use of matched-field processing and
hybrid algorithms for vertical slice
tomography" (1996) Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America, Vol 102, pp 885-895 (1997).
10. Taroudakis M.I. and Markaki M.G. "Bottom geoacoustic inversions by broadband
matched field processing" .
Journal of Computational Acoustics,
Vol 6, Nos 1 & 2, pp 167-183 (1998).
Publications in Conference Proceedings
1. Taroudakis M.I and Giannopoulos G.: "Measurements of Noise Radiated by Ships'
Models". Proceedings of IVth
IMAEM Congress, Varna, Bulgary,
Vol. I pp 15.1-15.10. (1987).
2. Tarroudakis M.I.: "A Parametric Study of the Influence of the Subbottom Rigidity
on the Acoustic Field in the Sea".
Proceedings of the 2nd National
Congress on Mechanics, Athens, Greece, Vol. II, pp 821-831 (1989).
3. Taroudakis M.I.: "A Study of the Influence of the Environmental Parameters on the
Traffic Noise in the Sea"
Colloque de Physique, No 2, Supplement,
Tome 51, pp C2.1001-C2.1004, (1990).
4. Taroudakis M.I., Athanassoulis G.A. and Ioannidis J.P. "A Hybrid Solution of the
Helmholtz Equation in Shallow
Water, Based on a Variational
Principle" in Acoustique Sous Marine et Ultrasons, CNRS-LMA, Marseille, pp 213-227
5. Taroudakis M.I., Papadakis P.J., Papadakis J.S. and E. Simantiraki: "On the
Estimation of the Bottom Geoacoustic
Parameters, Using Measurements
of Plane Wave Reflection Parameters" Acoustical Imaging edited by H Ermert and H.-P.
Harjes, Plenum Press,
New York, pp 841-846 (1992).
6. Taroudakis M.I. and Sessarego J.P.: "An Algorithm for the Calculation of the
Plane-Wave Reflection Coefficient
from Multilayered Elastic Media".
Proceedings of the 3rd National Congress on Mechanics, Athens, Greece, Vol. II, pp 629-637
7. Taroudakis M.I. and Papadakis J.S.: "Using E„mpirical O?rthogonal Functions in
Ocean Acoustic Tomography to
Improve the Sound Velocity
Structure Estimation" in Advances in Computer Methods for Partial Differential
Equations - VII, edited by
P.Vichnevetsky, D. Knight and G.Richter,
IMACS, New Brunswick N.J. pp 726-732 (1992).
8. Papadakis J.S., Papadakis P.J., Taroudakis M.I., Sessarego J.P. and Sageloli J.
"Using Acoustic Reflection Data to
Reconstruct the Ocean Bottom
Structure" in European Conference on Underwater Acoustics edited by M.Weydert,
Elsevier Applied Sciences,
London, pp 539-542 (1992).
9. Taroudakis M.I. and Papadakis J.S. "Reconstruction of Sound Velocity Structure in
the Sea, Using Ocean
Tomography Techniques" in European
Conference on Underwater Acoustics edited by M.Weydert, Elsevier Applied Sciences, London,
pp 607-610 (1992).
10. Taroudakis M.I.: "Study of the arrival pattern of acoustic pulses in underwater
transmissions" Proceedings of the
ERCIM Workshop on Numerical
Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Problems in Wave Propagation, pp 98-111, (1992).
11. Papadakis J.S, Taroudakis M.I and Papadakis J.S.: "Study of the Convergence of an
Iterative Scheme Used in Ocean
Acoustic Tomography"
Computational Acoustics - Volume 2 edited by D.Lee, A.R.Robinson and R. Vichnevetsky,
Elsevier Science
Publishers, Amsterdam, pp 63-77 (1993).
12. Taroudakis M.I., Lyridis D.V., and Pliatsikas K. "Study of the Effect of the
Plate Stiffeners on the Structure-borne
Noise Transmission on board Ships,
Using the Statistical Energy Analysis" in Proceedings Internoise '93 edited by P.
Chapelle and G. Vermeir, Leuven,
Belgium, pp 1205-1208 (1993)
13. Taroudakis M.I.: "Modal inversion schemes for ocean acoustic tomography"
Department of Physics, University of
Bergen, Scientific/Technical Report
No 1994-21 edited by M. Verstrheim and H. Hoboek. pp 107-110 (1994). 17th Scandinavian
Symposium on
Physical Acoustics, Ustaoset Norway.
14. Taroudakis M.I.: "Variations of Tomography Signals in Shallow Water Due to Bottom
Topography Irregularities" in
Journal de Physique, Volume 2,
Supplement JPIII no 5, pp C5.1079 - C5.1082 (1994)
15. Taroudakis M.I. "A Comparison of Modal-phase and Modal-travel-time Approaches for
Ocean Acoustic
Tomography" in 2nd European Conference
on Underwater Acoustics , edited by Leif Bjorno, pp 1057-1062 (1994)
16. Papadakis P.J., Taroudakis M.I. and Papadakis J.S. "Recovery of the Properties of
an Elastic Bottom Using
Reflection Coefficient Measurements" in
2nd European Conference on Underwater Acoustics edited by Leif Bjorno, pp 943-948 (1994).
17. Taroudakis M.I. "Computational Aspects of a Coupled-mode Solution of the
Helmholtz Equation in Water in the
Presence of a Conical Sea-mount" in
Proceedings of the 14th IMACS World Congress, Atlanta, USA, pp. 950-953 (1994).
18. Athanassoulis G.A., Papadakis J.S., Skarsoulis E.K. and Taroudakis M.I. "A
Comparative Study of Two
Wave-Theoretic Inversion Schemes in Ocean
Acoustic Tomography" in Full Field Inversion Methods in Ocean and Seismic Acoustics ,
edited by O.Diachok et
al., Kluwer Academic Publishers ,
pp 127-132 (1995).
19. Taroudakis M.I. and Markaki M. "Matched-field Ocean Acoustic Tomography Using
Genetic Algorithms" in
Acoustical Imaging , edited by Piero
Tortoli and Leonardo Masotti, Plenum Press, pp 601-606 (1996).
20. Taroudakis M.I. "Inverse problems in underwater acoustics: Future trends".
(1996). ACUSTICA - acta acustica
Vol 82 Suppl 1 S 105 (1996).
FORUM ACUSTICUM - Antwerpen 1996.
21. Taroudakis, M.I.and Markaki, M.G. "Matched-field Tomography with a Genetic
Algorithm Applied in
Range-Dependent Environments" in Proceedings
of the 3rd European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, edited by J.Papadakis, pp 779-784
22. Taroudakis, M.I., Papadakis, P.J and Sklavos, S. "Bottom Characterization Using
Parametric Array Data" in
Proceedings of the 3rd European
Conference on Underwater Acoustics , edited by J.Papadakis, pp 625-630 (1996).
23. Taroudakis M.I. "On the estimation of errors in the arrival pattern of an
acoustic pulse, calculated by parabolic
approximation codes" in
Shallow-Water Acoustics , edited by R. Zhang and J. Zhou, China Ocean Press, pp. 95-100
24. Taroudakis M.I and Markaki M.G. "A Two-Phase metched-field processing scheme for
bottom recognition, using
broad-band acoustic data" in
Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics , edited by A. Alippi
and G.B. Cannelli pp
25. Dougalis V.A., Kampanis N.A. and Taroudakis M.I. " Comparison of finite element
and coupled-mode solutions of
the Helmholtz equation in underater
acoustics" Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics ,
edited by A. Alippi and G.B.
Cannelli pp 649-654 (1988).