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Publications of Michael Lambrou

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Department Of Mathematics

Publications of Michael Lambrou


1) "Complete Atomic Boolean lattices", Journal of the London Math.Soc., 15(1977) 387-390.
2) "Semi-simple completely distributive lattices are Boolean algebras", Proceedings of the Amer. Math. Soc., 68(1978) 217-219.
3) "Rank one elements" (with J. A. Erdos and S. Giotopoulos), Mathematika, 24(1977) 178-181.
4) "Non-trivially pseudocomplemented lattices are complemented", Proceedings of the American Math. Soc., 77(1979) 155-156.
5) "Abelian algebras and reflexive lattices" (with W. E. Longstaff), Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 12(1980) 165-168.
6) "Approximants, commutants and double commutants in normed algebras", Journal of the London Math. Society, (2) 25(1982)499-512.
7) "Completely distributive lattices", Fundamenta Mathematicae, 119(1983) 227-240.
8) "Strong density of finite rank operators in subalgebras of B(X)", Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematical Analysis, 20(1988)83-99.
9) "On the rank of operators in reflexive algebras", Linear Algebra and its Applications, 142(1990)211-235.
10) "Counterexamples concerning bitriangular operators" (with W.E. Longstaff), Proceedings of the A.M.S.,112(1991)783-787.
11) "Unit Ball density and the operator equation AX=YB" (with W.E. Longstaff), Journal of Operator Theory, 25(1991)383-397.
12) "Atomic Boolean subspace lattices and applications to the theory of bases" (with S. Argyros and W.E. Longstaff), Memoirs of the Amer. Math.Soc.,445(1991)1-96.
13) "Finite rank operators leaving double triangles invariant" (with W.E. Longstaff), Journal of the London Math. Soc., (2)45(1992)153-168.
14) "Spectral conditions and reducibility of operator semigroups" (with H. Radjavi W.E. Longstaff), Indiana Univ. Math. Journal, 41(1992) 449-464
15) "The decomposability of operators relative to two subspaces" (with A. Katavolos and W.E. Longstaff), Studia Mathematica, 105(1993)25-36.
16) "On some algebras diagonalized by M-bases of L2" (with A. Katavolos and E. Papadakis),Int. Eq. and Oper. Theory, 17(1993)68-94.
17) " On the reflexive algebra with two invariant subspaces" (with A. K M.Anoussis), Jour. Oper. Theory, 30(1993)267-299.
18) " Spatiallity of isomorphisms between certain reflexive algebras" (with W.E. Longstaff), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 122(1994)1065-1073.
19) " Some counterexamples concerning strong M-bases of Banach spaces " (with W.E. Longstaff ), Jour. Approx. Th., 79(1994)243-259.
20) "Spectral decompositions of isometries on Cp" (with D. Karagiannakis and E. Mageiropoulos),Journal of Anal. and Applications,215(1997)190-211.
21) "Non- reflexive pentagons" (with W.E. Longstaff), Studia Mathematica 125(2)(1997)187-199.
22) " Block strong M- bases and spectral synthesis" (with J. Erdos and N. Spanoudakis),to appear, Journ. London Math. Soc.
23) "Pentagon subspace lattices" (with A. Katavolos and W.E. Longstaff),to appear , Jour. Oper. Theory.


Several publications (in Greek) on History of Mathematics.

Also written numerous articles for the general public, school books and translated into Greek several books.



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Τελευταία τροποποίηση 2005-04-23 18:03

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