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Publications of Ioannis Athanasopoulos

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Department Of Mathematics

Publications of Ioannis Athanasopoulos


1.  Some Stability Properties of Coincidence Sets.Free Boundary Problems vol.2,
     37-43,Ist.Naz.Alta Mat.Fr.Severi,Rome (1980).
2.  Stability of Coincidence Set for the Signorini Problem.Ind.Univ.Math.J.vol.20,
3.  Regularity of the Solution of an Evolution Problem with Inequalities on the
     Boundary.Comm. P.D.E. 7 (12) (1982),1453-1465.
4.  Coincidence Set of Minimal Surfaces for the Thin Obstacle. Manusc. Math. 42 (1983),
5.  A Temperature Control Problem. Int. J. Math. & Math. Sci. 7 (1984),113-116.
6.  (with L.A. Caffarelli) A Theorem of Real Analysis and its Application to Free
     Boundary Problems. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 38 (1985),499-502.
7.  Regularity of the Solution for Minimization Problems with Free Boundary on a
     Hyperplane. Comm. P.D.E. vol. 14 (1989),1043-1058.
8.  (with S.Salsa) An Application of a Parabolic Comparison Principle to Free
     Boundary Problems. Ind. Univ. Math. J. 40 (1991),29-32.
9.  (with L.A. Caffarelli and S.Salsa) Caloric Functions in Lipschitz Domains and the
     Regularity of Solutions to Phase Transition Problems. Annals of Mathematics, 143
10. (with L.A. Caffarelli and S.Salsa) Regularity of the Free Boundary in Parabolic
      Phase Transition Problems. Acta Mathematica, 176 (1996),245-282.
11. (with L.A. Caffarelli and S.Salsa) Degenerate Phase Transition Problems of
      Parabolic Type.Smoothness of the Front (University of Crete, Dept. of Math.
      Preprint #4, 1996)
12. (with L.A Caffarelli and S.Salsa) Phase Transition Problems of Parabolic Type:
       Flat Free Boundaries Are Smooth. Comm. on Pure Appl. Math. 51 (1998) 77-112.
13. (with G.Makrakis and J.F.Rodrigues) (eds) Free Boundary Problems:
      Theory and Applications.CRC press 1999.
14. (with L.A Caffarelli and S.Salsa) An Inverse Conductivity Problem ( in prep.).
15. The Behavior of Shock Waves in Conservation Laws ( in prep.).
16. (with J. Redondo ) Penalized Parabolic Variational Inequalities ( in prep.).
17. (with L.A. Caffarelli and S.Salsa) The Lipschitz Character of Flat Free Boundaries in
       Parabolic Phase Transition Problems ( in prep.).
18. (with L.A. Caffarelli and S.Salsa) Existence of Viscosity Solutions to Parabolic
       Phase Transition Problems ( in prep.).

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Τελευταία τροποποίηση 2005-04-23 18:03

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