Publications of Jiannis Antoniadis
Department Of Mathematics
Publications of Jiannis A. Antoniadis
Jannis A. Antoniadis
Name: Jannis A. Antoniadis Date of Birth: 05. September 1951 Academic Title: Professor Area: Number Theory Ph. D.: Univ. of Cologne, 1981 Address: Department of Mathematics University of Crete,71409 Iraklio, Crete,Greece. e-mail: |
Previous Academic Positions: Univ. of Thessaloniki (Teaching and Research Assist.),Dept. of Mathematics,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Teaching Assistant),Univ. of Cologne (Research Assistant, Research Associate),Univ. of Thessaloniki,Dept. of Mathematics (Lecturer),Univ. of Crete (Assoc. Professor),Max-Planck Institute (MPI) for Mathematics,Bonn (Visiting Scholar),MPI for Mathematics,Bonn Scholarship of the Max-Planck Society (Visiting Scholar),Univ. of Crete (Professor), Caltech(visiting associate) Univ. of Heidelberg (Visiting Professor). |
Publications : 1. "Die ersten 1000 Koeffizienten der absoluten Invariante j und der Webersehen Funktionen g2und g3",Mathematics of Computation,Unpublished Mathematical Tables,1982. 2. "Uber die Kennzeichnung zweiklassiger imaginar-quadratischer Zahlkorper durch Losungen diophantischer Gleichungen", Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik 339( 1983 ), 27-81. 3. "Uber die Berechnung von Multiplikatorgleichungen",Acta Arithmetica XLIII( 1983 ), 43-62. 4. "Generalized Fibonacci numbers and some diophantine equations". The Fibonacci Quarterly 23( 1985 ), 199-213. 5. "Fibonacci and Lucas numbers of the form z2±1".The Fibonacci Quarterly 23( 1985 ), 300-307. 6. "Uber die Periodenlange modp einer Klasse rekursiver Folgen".Archiv der Mathematik 42( 1984 ), 242-252. 7. "Hohere Reziprozitatsgesetze und Modulformen vom Gewicht Eins". Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik 361( 1985 ), 11-22. 8. "Diedergruppe und Reziprozitatsgesetz".Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik 377( 1987 ), 197-209. 9. "Congruences between cusp forms and Eisenstein series of half-integral weight", ( Winfried Kohnen). Abhandlungen Math.Sem.Universitat Hamburg 57( 1987 ), 157-164. 10. "Properties of twists of elliptic curves" ( Michael Bungert Gerhard Frey ). Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik 405( 1990 ), 1-28. 11. "Modulformen auf mit G0(N) rationalen Perioden".Manuscripta Mathematica 74( 1992 ), 359-384. |
Books : | |||
1. Representation Theory of finite groups, Iraklio 1996,( in Greek ). 2. Number Theory during the 17th and 18th century, Iraklio 1999,( in Greek ). 3. Elliptic Curves ( The theorem of Mordell ), Iraklio 1999,( in Greek ). 4. L -series, Iraklio 1999,( in Greek ).