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Publications of Jiannis Antoniadis

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Department Of Mathematics

Publications of Jiannis A. Antoniadis


Jannis A. Antoniadis


Name: Jannis A. Antoniadis
Date of Birth: 05. September 1951
Academic Title: Professor
Area: Number Theory
Ph. D.: Univ. of Cologne, 1981
Address: Department of Mathematics
University of Crete,71409 Iraklio,

e-mail: antoniad@math.uch.gr

Previous Academic Positions:

Univ. of Thessaloniki (Teaching and Research Assist.),Dept. of Mathematics,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University (Teaching Assistant),Univ. of Cologne (Research Assistant, Research Associate),Univ. of Thessaloniki,Dept. of
Mathematics (Lecturer),Univ. of Crete (Assoc. Professor),Max-Planck Institute (MPI) for Mathematics,Bonn (Visiting
Scholar),MPI for Mathematics,Bonn Scholarship of the Max-Planck Society (Visiting Scholar),Univ. of Crete (Professor),
Caltech(visiting associate) Univ. of Heidelberg (Visiting Professor).
  Publications :

1. "Die ersten 1000 Koeffizienten der absoluten Invariante j und der Webersehen Funktionen g2und g3",Mathematics of Computation,Unpublished Mathematical Tables,1982.
2. "Uber die Kennzeichnung zweiklassiger imaginar-quadratischer Zahlkorper durch Losungen diophantischer Gleichungen", Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik 339( 1983 ), 27-81.
3. "Uber die Berechnung von Multiplikatorgleichungen",Acta Arithmetica XLIII( 1983 ), 43-62.
4. "Generalized Fibonacci numbers and some diophantine equations". The Fibonacci Quarterly 23( 1985 ), 199-213.
5. "Fibonacci and Lucas numbers of the form z2±1".The Fibonacci Quarterly 23( 1985 ), 300-307.
6. "Uber die Periodenlange modp einer Klasse rekursiver Folgen".Archiv der Mathematik 42( 1984 ), 242-252.
7. "Hohere Reziprozitatsgesetze und Modulformen vom Gewicht Eins". Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik 361( 1985 ), 11-22.
8. "Diedergruppe und Reziprozitatsgesetz".Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik 377( 1987 ), 197-209.
9. "Congruences between cusp forms and Eisenstein series of half-integral weight", ( Winfried Kohnen).
Abhandlungen Math.Sem.Universitat Hamburg 57( 1987 ), 157-164.
10. "Properties of twists of elliptic curves" ( Michael Bungert Gerhard Frey ). Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik 405( 1990 ), 1-28.
11. "Modulformen auf mit G0(N) rationalen Perioden".Manuscripta Mathematica 74( 1992 ), 359-384.
Books :

1. Representation Theory of finite groups, Iraklio 1996,( in Greek ).
2. Number Theory during the 17th and 18th century, Iraklio 1999,( in Greek ).
3. Elliptic Curves ( The theorem of Mordell ), Iraklio 1999,( in Greek ).
4. L -series, Iraklio 1999,( in Greek ).

Supervision of graduate students: Supervise the Master Thesis of our graduate students:

a) Maria Loukaki,
The irreducible components of characters x2 where x Irr(An)
Iraklio 1993.
b) Aristides Kontogeorgis,
Semi-stable elliptic curves and Fermat 's Last Theorem,
Iraklio 1995.
c) Thanasis Vessis,
Points of finite order on elliptic curves,
Iraklio 1995.
d) Georgios Sylligardos,
Prime Numbers of the form x2+ny2,
Iraklio 1996.
e) Marina Tripolitaki,
The inverse problem of Galois Theory,
Iraklio 1997.
f ) Anna Kagiali,
The problem of finitetness of classfield towers,
Iraklio 1999.
Supervise the Ph.D. Thesis of Aristides Kontogeorgis : Groups of automorphisms of algebraic curves,
Iraklio 1998.
Συντάκτης manager
Τελευταία τροποποίηση 2005-04-23 18:03

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