Pheidas Publications
Department Of Mathematics
Publications of Athanasios C.
Previous Academic Positions
Florida International Univ., Miami (Tenure-track Assistant Professor),
Computer Technology
Institute, Patras (Postdoctoral Researcher), Univ. of Illinois at
U.S.A.(Visiting Assistant Professor), Univ. of Crete, Dept. of Mathematics
(Assistant Professor
and Associate Professor).
1. Proceedings of AMS, Vol.99-2, 1987
2. Proceedings of AMS, Vol.100-3, 1987
3. Proceedings of AMS, Vol.104-2, 1988
4. Inventiones Mathematicae, Vol.103, 1991
5. J. Symbolic Logic, Vol.59-2, 1994
6. J. Symbolic Logic, Vol.60-4, 1995 (with L. Lipshitz)
7. J. fur die Reine-angewandte Math. Vol.463, 1995
8. Comm. Algebra, (to appear),(with K. Zahidi)
9. Technical Report #28, Univ. of Crete :"On the number of
reguired for the evaluation of a polynomial".
Supervision of Graduate Studies:
Co-advisor of K. Zahidi ( Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Gent, Belgium )
Co-advisor of X. Vidaux ( Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Angers, France )
Member (external) of the graduate programme MPLA ( Logic and Algorithms )
of the Univ. of Athens
Member of the Committee of Graduate Programme of the Univ. of Crete