Publications of Michael Lambrou
Department Of Mathematics
Publications of Michael Lambrou
1) "Complete Atomic Boolean lattices", Journal of the London Math.Soc.,
15(1977) 387-390.
2) "Semi-simple completely distributive lattices are Boolean algebras",
Proceedings of the Amer. Math. Soc., 68(1978) 217-219.
3) "Rank one elements" (with J. A. Erdos and S. Giotopoulos), Mathematika,
24(1977) 178-181.
4) "Non-trivially pseudocomplemented lattices are complemented",
Proceedings of the American Math. Soc., 77(1979) 155-156.
5) "Abelian algebras and reflexive lattices" (with W. E. Longstaff),
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 12(1980) 165-168.
6) "Approximants, commutants and double commutants in normed algebras",
Journal of the London Math. Society, (2) 25(1982)499-512.
7) "Completely distributive lattices", Fundamenta Mathematicae, 119(1983)
8) "Strong density of finite rank operators in subalgebras of B(X)",
Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematical Analysis, 20(1988)83-99.
9) "On the rank of operators in reflexive algebras", Linear Algebra and
its Applications, 142(1990)211-235.
10) "Counterexamples concerning bitriangular operators" (with W.E.
Longstaff), Proceedings of the A.M.S.,112(1991)783-787.
11) "Unit Ball density and the operator equation AX=YB" (with W.E.
Longstaff), Journal of Operator Theory, 25(1991)383-397.
12) "Atomic Boolean subspace lattices and applications to the theory of
bases" (with S. Argyros and W.E. Longstaff), Memoirs of the Amer.
13) "Finite rank operators leaving double triangles invariant" (with W.E.
Longstaff), Journal of the London Math. Soc., (2)45(1992)153-168.
14) "Spectral conditions and reducibility of operator semigroups" (with
H. Radjavi W.E. Longstaff), Indiana Univ. Math. Journal, 41(1992) 449-464
15) "The decomposability of operators relative to two subspaces" (with A.
Katavolos and W.E. Longstaff), Studia Mathematica, 105(1993)25-36.
16) "On some algebras diagonalized by M-bases of L2" (with A. Katavolos
and E. Papadakis),Int. Eq. and Oper. Theory, 17(1993)68-94.
17) " On the reflexive algebra with two invariant subspaces" (with A. K
M.Anoussis), Jour. Oper. Theory, 30(1993)267-299.
18) " Spatiallity of isomorphisms between certain reflexive algebras"
(with W.E. Longstaff), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 122(1994)1065-1073.
19) " Some counterexamples concerning strong M-bases of Banach spaces "
(with W.E. Longstaff ), Jour. Approx. Th., 79(1994)243-259.
20) "Spectral decompositions of isometries on Cp" (with D. Karagiannakis
and E. Mageiropoulos),Journal of Anal. and Applications,215(1997)190-211.
21) "Non- reflexive pentagons" (with W.E. Longstaff), Studia Mathematica
22) " Block strong M- bases and spectral synthesis" (with J. Erdos and
N. Spanoudakis),to appear, Journ. London Math. Soc.
23) "Pentagon subspace lattices" (with A. Katavolos and W.E.
Longstaff),to appear , Jour. Oper. Theory.
Several publications (in Greek) on History of Mathematics.
Also written numerous articles for the general public, school books and translated into Greek several books.