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Διάφορες Τεχνικές Σημειώσεις

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Downloading with wget(1)

wget. To download the entire tree recursively:

wget --limit-rate=30k -c -r <URL>
Option --limit-rate, limits the download bandwidth, "-c" continues previous interrupted download and "-r" declares recursive download. Read the friendly manual of wget(1) for more information.


A very good client: pgadmin

For inserting arbitrary binary data (e.g. an image):
INSERT INTO table1 (id,descriton,object2) 
VALUES (DEFAULT, "description lala lala", lo_import('/home/staff/kalopsik/image.jpg');

For exporting binary datum to a file:
SELECT lo_export(table1.object2, '/tmp/image.jpg') FROM table1;

Password Change from Command Line on Windows XP/2k

as administrator:
net user <user_name> <password>
this changes password without interactivity

also (always as administrator):
net user <user_name> *
this prompts for a password and confirm
Συντάκτης kalopsik
Τελευταία τροποποίηση 2007-11-08 11:56

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